In support of Buy Nothing Day and #Occupyxmas, Chicago media artist JaGoFF has released a massive compilation of 51 tracks free to the BitTorrent community, including a full album with the accompanying instrumentals and acapella mixes (for the BT community to remix) in addition to three album covers. Download it today here! 

Artists have long used music to raise awareness of and advocate social and political causes. BitTorrent’s technology and expansive community provide a new platform for artists looking to share their music with the world.
This is JaGoFF’s second release via BitTorrent. The first, “The Chicago Promoters’ Ordinance Kills Independent Music”, is a compelling and humorous documentary chronicling a grassroots campaign to preserve the rights for independent artists to promote live shows in Chicago. The documentary, available for download here, raises awareness around laws that effect local arts and music communities.
To connect with JaGoFF, please visit them on Facebook, or learn more at