Staff Picks – Extreme Metal produced by Banger Films

In this edition of Staff Picks: a new documentary Metal series too extreme for TV.
Extreme Metal is the next chapter in the Metal Evolution series, the popular TV series documenting the history of rock of metal from award winning producers Banger Films.
Banger Films discovered that an accurate documentation of the Black Metal, Grindcore and Death Metal genres would be too radical for major TV networks. Through a crowd-funding effort, Metal fans around the world came together to bring Metal Evolution: Extreme Metal to life. Banger Films travelled across continents, interviewing the most influential artists in Black Metal, Grindcore, and Death Metal, to complete the last extreme chapter of their documentary series by Metal fans for Metal fans.
Download the Banger Films BitTorrent Bundle to get the official Extreme Metal trailer. Enter your e-mail to unlock a full episode, the complete word for word transcripts of the 11-episode series, and a Director’s Cut of the exclusive interview with Gorgoroth singer, Gaahl, that hails as “the best interview ever in the history of metal interviews.” \^^/