Staff Picks: The Onion Video Archive

A five-video collection of hard-hitting journalism, courtesy of America’s Finest News Network.
The Onion has been called “a torpedo of truth fired at the submarine of deception”. And some other unmentionable things. Dedicated to tackling the important issues of our age — from hipsters at Applebees to Sony’s new piece of shit thing that doesn’t work — The Onion goes where other reporters won’t. You can download or stream an exclusive five-video collection from The Onion’s archive right here.
About BitTorrent Bundle
BitTorrent Bundle is an alpha project made with and for the web’s creative community. Our mission is to help artists connect directly with fans, inside the content they share.
Each BitTorrent Bundle allows artists to distribute content directly to the Internet. And each Bundle comes with a key. Fans can unlock artist content with a direct payment, or an email address. The idea is to make each song a storefront, and each file more valuable, every time it’s shared. Got ideas for the next BitTorrent Bundle? Hit us up.