Every couple of months, BitTorrent’s staff spends two days in a company-wide hackathon. The goal: to come up with an innovative project that embraces the company’s mission of distributed technology, user control, and sustaining an open internet. We call these a Palooza. Here’s the results of what happened at our latest event. At BitTorrent, we…

Every two months, BitTorrent holds an internal hackathon we call a Palooza. Projects are presented. People vote. Great ideas are born. We present this month’s report. Pro users of our BitTorrent mobile app may have seen an update last week on a new power saving feature. It tracks the level of your battery, and if…

February’s Palooza brought out new features and new ideas with a mobile slant. Every two months, we hold an internal hackathon called a Palooza. Paloozas are at the heart of BitTorrent’s bottom-up innovation. It’s where BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent Bundle got their start. We dedicate two full days and 20% time leading up to the…

On Monday, we’ll begin another round of our bi-monthly Palooza (BitTorrent’s two day hackathon). So, we decided to take some time to reflect on the last one we had. If you’ve been keeping up with us, you already know that Palooza is the foundation to BitTorrent’s bottom-up innovation. It’s where BitTorrent Sync and BitTorrent Chat…

BitTorrent was founded on a few simple core principles. Uphold user privacy, and user control. Keep the web free, open, and accessible to all. This is what keeps us up at night. And this is what keeps us coding. Every two months, we dedicate two days to all-company hackathons (Paloozas, we call them). It’s free…