Download and tune-in to BitTorrent News’ coverage of the Republican National Convention BitTorrent Live, the multichannel OTT app, is now available for OS X (Apple laptops and desktops). Download the DMG file here. One of the key channels on BitTorrent Live is BitTorrent News. If you’re not watching BitTorrent News’ coverage of the RNC, you’re…

BitTorrent Live solves provisioning and lag time problems for live online broadcasting; Features free tier of channels spanning news, sports, music, tech, and youth culture. The people here at BitTorrent have changed the way the internet works, and more than once. We are about to do it again with our sights firmly set on making…

*Update, OTT News is now available for iOS and tvOS directly from the App Store. Android users can still download from the Google Play Store. It’s election year and things are heating up. High stakes are in the balance today with the primaries in New Hampshire. OTT News (On The Trail and Over The Top) has…