BitTorrent Speed
Frequently Asked Questions
Find in-depth information about the Wallet release here.
Yes, you can turn off Speed to stop spending the BTT in your account. To do that, simply turn “Speed Increase” toggle into the “Off” state. Your ability to download won’t be impacted, but there will be no increase in speed.
These are the only ways for users to get BTT tokens:
- Earn for seeding
- Buy on any decentralized exchange service and transfer to BitTorrent Wallet.
- Complete all downloads
- Uninstall uTorrent
- Open File Explorer and type in %AppData%\Roaming\
- Delete uTorrent folder
- Go to %AppData%\Local\ and delete BitTorrent Helper folder
- Install uTorrent Client from scratch
Feel free to use the contact form on the website if your problem was not solved by the information above.
Depending on where your exchange, there will be different procedures to swap BTTOLD to BTT. Please find your exchange below and follow their instructions. If your exchange has not provided any information, please reach out to them directly.
Swapping from BTTOLD to BTT will depend on where you hold your tokens. Some exchanges will automatically swap these while others will require some manual intervention. Please reach out to your exchange for their procedure.
Since this is a new launch, it might take some time for exchanges to implement these changes. Please be assured that your old tokens will not go anywhere, they are still safe and it’s just a matter of time before they’re exchanged.
With the introduction of BTTC, we are doing a redenomination of the BTT token. The current BTT token will become BTTOLD and the new token will become BTT. 1 BTTOLD equals 1000 BTT. This does not change the market cap of BTT or the value of your holdings. This change increases the number of tokens you hold by 1000 and decrease the price by 1000.
If you hold 10 BTTOLD at 1$ each, after the redenomination, this will become 10,000 BTT at .001$ – in both cases the value of your portfolio remains at 10$.
The only way to get access to BitTorrent Speed again is to install it from scratch. This is going to be a new wallet, so all the assets will be reset to their initial state. If you want to take this path, please uninstall BitTorrent, then get to %AppData% → Roaming → uTorrent and delete all files that are left. Then, do the same with the helper folder.
Bandwidth and energy are like electricity and water for your house. Bandwidth is needed for all operations on the TRON blockchain while energy is only needed for Smart Contracts. You get 1500 bandwidth free every day, this is about 5 operations. To get more, you can freeze or burn TRX. Freezing TRX gets you X of each resource a day, and you must keep the TRX frozen(staked) for 3 days. At the end of 3 days you can unfreeze (unstake) your TRX and get it all back. If you do not have enough resources, you will burn TRX. Once TRX is burnt, you will not get it back.
You can obtain more energy and bandwidth here:
To calculate energy and bandwidth consumption, visit our calculator
Energy: This is a special resource used to process smart contracts on the TRON network. Smart contracts consume Energy in addition to Bandwidth, so be sure you have enough of both when moving your tokens around! This is used for all SmartContracts (TRX20, TRC721, etc)
Bandwidth: Having TRON bandwidth allows you to perform transactions on the TRON mainnet without paying any gas fees. This is used for all transactions. (TRC10, TRC20, TRC721, etc)
WBTT(TRC20) is a wrapped BTTOLD(TRC10) token. It is pegged 1:1 to BTTOLD.
To exchange WBTT for BTTOLD, please visit:
To exchange WBTT and BTT (TRC20), please visit:
To exchange WBTT and TRX, please visit:
To exchange BTTOLD for BTT, please visit:
To exchange BTT for BTTOLD, first exchange BTT for WBTT, and then exchange WBTT for BTTOLD. At this time, there is direct way to get BTTOLD.
Wrapped crypto tokens such as WBTT are cryptocurrencies pegged to the value of a different crypto.
When a token pegs its value to the value of a different token, it fixes the exchange at a set, predetermined rate. For WBTT, it is pegged 1:1 to BTTOLD.
To create a wrapped token, the original token is ‘wrapped’ into a digital vault, and a new token is created. Wrapping a token allows you to interact with other blockchains.
You are strongly advised to protect your device with adequate security measures at all times. Such measures include an access password, PIN, and biometric verification when logging in (among others).
Here are a few simple tips for your wallet protection:
- Be careful about where you go online when you’re using a device that has a wallet on it. Dangerous websites and risky Wi-Fi networks put your wallet at risk. At the same time, do not leave your device unattended or lend it to anyone.
- Phishing scams through ads and through email are rampant in the crypto world. Phishing scams are becoming more and more elaborate, so make sure email received from wallet companies have their domain spelled correctly and never look for their web address clicking on ads. Once you send a phishing website your private key, you can say goodbye to your funds.
- It’s important to double check the address to which you send any payment transaction. There are malicious programs that can edit a “copy and paste” procedure in order to paste a different address, and that new address belongs to an attacker. It’s usually best to send a micro payment as a verification and then send the larger payment to the verified address.
To import your old wallet, please open the Wallet within BitTorrent Speed and click on import wallet
Note that it is not our clients themselves that are flagged under either category, but occasionally our partner install offers that are flagged in this “potentially unwanted program” category.
Please note that absolutely nothing is installed on your system without your consent during the installation. We suggest
- rejecting any partner offers you don’t want installed on uTorrent
- adding an exception or temporarily disabling the antivirus software until you have completed your installation
2. You can share your content by creating your own torrent link and sharing it with friends or via social media. To make the torrent file, click on File > Create torrent in μTorrent.
2. You start seeding immediately if you create and share your own torrent file.