Last Friday, we had a great time kicking the tires on our upcoming live streaming protocol with DJ/Producer Janaka Selekta from our new office studio. A big thank you to all of you who tuned in – the feedback is invaluable. In fact it was so useful that we’ve decided to continue our scalability testing…

Are you on a Mac? Or do you use an iPad? In the BitTorrent community, the number of users with at least one Apple product is growing at a pretty quick pace. And we hear you loud and clear with your requests for a little more love. Today, we’re stepping things up with three new…

Documentary filmmaker and guerrilla artist JaGoFF is kicking off an ongoing effort with BitTorrent today, and we’re very excited to work with them to support independent artists. The first release is a compelling and humorous documentary chronicling a grassroots campaign to preserve the rights for independent artists to promote live shows in Chicago. “The Chicago…

If you’re hanging out and want to be a part of something very cool tomorrow, well then we might have your Friday night ticket. We’re suiting up for an early R&D technology test, which is open to anyone interested in helping us move our Live Streaming technology forward. Join us and our BitTorrent live testing…

The long awaited new episode of the popular made-for-BitTorrent series Pioneer One is now available directly via BitTorrent and µTorrent software. The torrent may be downloaded here. The exclusive Web series, a true progressive work of art, is about the lone survivor of a lost Soviet mission to Mars and the Cold War tensions he…