Private Voice & Text App Opens Test Community to All Interested Parties Communicating with friends, family and coworkers is easier than ever, but at what cost? The Internet promotes the free exchange of information, but we often sacrifice privacy for the sake of convenience. Cloud-based services store personal information and private moments on servers, making…

In the battle over Net Neutrality, the FCC is at the precipice of deciding whether to create an Internet “Fast Lane.” We have an alternative solution to propose, and we believe it can work: instead of a Fast Lane that only the wealthy could afford, ISPs should pay companies to get into the Slow Lane….

Today, BitTorrent stands alongside companies like Etsy, Netflix, Reddit and a host of others to participate in Internet Slowdown day — a visual representation of what the Internet would look like if the FCC abandons Net Neutrality in favor of a prioritized “pay-for-play” system. We stand by these principles in governing the Net: – No…

Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle Publishers. In this edition of FDL: Moon Taxi goes “animal style”, a bit of everything that you want from the Nashville vanguard. After the release of their breakout album Cabaret in 2012, Moon Taxi remained steadfast on their…

We are taking action on September 10th as part of Internet Slowdown Day, showing you what life will be like in the Slow Lane. We’ve been front and center in the Net Neutrality discussion since its inception, and we’re not sitting it out now. With a decision on the new rules for the Internet from…