In this edition of FDL: magical/simple/pretty folk-pop, in the form of three live show torrents from The Weepies. The band name sounds supersad, but we promise it’s happy. How could it not be? IT’S FRIDAY. Friday Download: The Weepies 1. El Rey / Los Angeles, California / 2012 2. Butternut Ridge / Oberlin, Ohio /…

In this week’s FDL: three live shows from the Arizona punk luminaries. This is the evolution of a great American band, recorded and perserved by the intrepid curatorial team over at archive.org. Happy Friday, people. Friday Download: Meat Puppets 1. UCSB / Santa Barbara, CA / 1988 2. Velvet Slego / Rimini, Italy / 1992…

In this edition of FDL: Tegan and Sara. Three live shows from the road, circa 2013. Instant heartbreak and happy, kept in common by the dedicated preservationists over at archive.org. Have an epic weekend, all. Friday Download: Tegan and Sara 1. The LC / Columbus, Ohio / 2013 2. Dinwoodie Lounge / Edmonton, Alberta /…

In this week’s FDL: things get weird. Three vintage live shows from Ween. Pop absurdity, lovingly preserved by the archive.org curatorial team. Happy Friday, people. Friday Download: Ween 1. The Longhorn / Stuttgart, Germany / 2000 2. Princeton University / Princeton, NJ / 2002 3. State Theater / Minneapolis, MN / 2006

In this week’s FDL: vintage live shows from Billy Bragg and Minutemen, circa 1985. Beautifully preserved punk nostalgia. Happy Friday, people. Friday Download 1. Minutemen / San Francisco, CA / 1985 2. Billy Bragg / Koln, Germany / 1985