Tim Ferriss has been called the Superman of Silicon Valley; the world’s best guinea pig; a cross between Julia Child and Jason Bourne. With bestsellers The 4-Hour Workweek and The 4-Hour Body, he broke the traditional rule of great: that success = time spent. We’re working with him to break another rule. This one’s about publishing. On November…

In August, we partnered with the Internet Archive to make 1.5 million pieces of licensed, legal archived content and cultural artifacts available to the world. 1.5 million is a big number. It’s over a petabyte. It’s over 25 times the size of available titles on Neflix. And 31 times the number of available titles on…

On Tuesday, October 9th, our team attended the 11th SF MusicTech Summit conference at Hotel Kabuki in Japantown. We started the morning off with the Artist Tools panel featuring our Executive Director of Marketing, Matt Mason. Of all the debates over old vs. new methods for distributing music and getting compensated, Matt’s quote, “Data is…

Photos, music, important documents, home videos – these are some of the items that makes computers personal. It’s never fun to lose that stuff and as BitTorrent users, we know you like your stuff and want it to be kept safe. With that in mind, we decided to partner with Digital Lifeboat – a distributive…