Friday Download: Trashed

Friday Download is dedicated to curating the best download-able objects on the free web, courtesy of BitTorrent Bundle for publishers. In this edition of Friday Download: a first look at Trashed, the award-winning documentary about the global waste crisis. Trashed, starring Jeremy Irons, puts a vital, hard lens on the environmental consequences of pollution, plastic,…


The 4-Hour Chef: What’s the Value of a Listen?

For author Tim Ferriss, it’s a 100% increase in book sales. Audiobooks have become big business. They’re now a $1.2 billion industry. Unit sales of downloaded audiobooks grew by nearly 30% in 2011 alone. Within this context, what’s the value of giving one away? The real question is: what’s the point? For an author, what…


BitTorrent Palooza Report: Hacktober, 2013

For the last few years, we’ve made a point of setting aside two working days every few months for internal hackathons, where anyone within the company can form a team to work on and present an new idea for a product or feature. We call these informal hackathons “Paloozas”. Some of our best ideas and…


BitTorrent Bundle: Staff Picks, Volume 2

Staff Picks is dedicated to surfacing the best music, film, and art downloads on the Internet; digitally handmade by BitTorrent Publishers. Read on for this week’s finds. Wild Ones Wild Ones is a dream pop, portland-based band with members from diverse musical backgrounds. With influences in punk, classical, German techno and American R&B, their unique…


Moby’s innocents Bundle Hits 2 Million Downloads

Join the storytelling project. How to unlock and remix the full catalog of innocents multitracks. innocents, Moby’s 11th studio album, started as a collaboration: song-as-storytelling with Mark “Spike” Stent, the Flaming Lips’ Wayne Coyne, Screaming Trees’ Mark Lanegan, Queens of the Stone Age, Cold Specks, Damien Jurado, Skylar Grey, and Inyang Bassey. Now, it’s open…


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